Master and Apprentice System ជាភាសាខ្មែរមាននៅទីនេះ!
Learning martial art is a popular phenomenon now. H ence GuoZiJian Numen Yard is built to encourage martial masters taking up apprentice.
Requirement of Master and Apprentice System
Apprentice Requirement
Temporary Apprentice: No level requirement, but his/her level must be lower than master.
Formal Apprentice: Character level 10, and level is lower than master. Every apprentice only can have ONE master.
Master Requirement
Master should be level 75 or above. Look for the “GuoZiJian Off icer” at BianJing (182,172) to register as a master. Press the F3 button to open the “MA Info” Interface and check the “Apprentice Wanted” option, you can view the list of apprentice candidates.
Remark: Level of master must higher than apprentice. Every master can take several apprentices, but the amount of apprentice is depending on the Teaching Level of the master.
Master and Apprentice Related Procedure
1. Establish Temporary Master and Apprentice Relation
a) Use of MA Invitation Card
Every character will obtain a “MA Invitation Card” in inventory automatically. Right click on the MA Invitation Card to send “Master-Wanted Message”, all masters under “Apprentice Wanted” status can view the information of apprentice candidate from the F3 MA Info Menu.
b) Accept as Temporary Apprentice
The master can right click on the apprentice candidate and choose “Take him/her as Apprentice”. After both sides have agreed, the temporary master and apprentice relation will be established. ( Under temporary master and apprentice relation, either side can expel or betray without any requirement and penalty)
2. Establish Formal Master and Apprentice Relation
When the temporary apprentice has reached level 10 or above, he/she can party with master and use “Pray” interactive skill . H is/her master will receive a confirmation message . After master has agreed, temporary relation will be upgraded to Formal Master and Apprentice Relation.
Everyday, Master can issue one MA Quest for all his/hers apprentices. When the apprentice has completed the MA Quest, both Master and Apprentice will obtain rewards. The following is the relevant procedure of MA Quest:
1. Master can issue a MA Quest from GuoZiJian Officer or MA Info Interface. Choose either one from the listed quests for all yours apprentice. The rewards for different categories of quest are fixed.
2. Apprentice can click the “Get Quest” from the MA Info Interface to accept the MA Quest. After complet ing the assigned MA Quest, relevant rewards will be given. Every category has 2 kind s of quest, apprentice can do either one to complete the Quest and receive the rewards accordingly.
3. After apprentice has completed MA Quest, master will be rewarded with MA Points. Master can use the MA Point to redeem reward, or convert it to ME Points.
Master and Apprentice Point (MA Point)
When apprentice has completed MA Quest, master will obtain certain value point . Master will obtain 10 MA Points with the quest completion of e ach apprentice in that day. MA Points can be used to redeem reward or convert to ME Paints.
Master Ethic Point (ME Point)
Teaching Level
Teaching level represents the level of the master. It is determined by the amount of ME Point. Higher amount of ME Point will have higher Teaching Level as well as the amount of apprentice he/she can accept . Currently, the highest Teaching Level is 10 while the highest amount to accept apprentice is 15 .
Terminate Master and Apprentice Relation
1. Expel
Right click on the name of apprentice in MA Info Interface and choose “Expel”, the master can terminate Master and Apprentice relation forcibly.
To expel an apprentice, the master will need to consume 99 pieces of MA Charm Paper . Also, he/she cannot accept new apprentice within 24 hours.
2. Betray
Right click on the name of master in MA Info and choose “Betray”, the apprentice can terminate the Master and Apprentice relation forcibly.
To betray a master, the apprentice will need to consume 99 pieces of MA Charm Paper . Also, he/she cannot accept new aster within 24 hours.
3. Graduation
A) When apprentice has reached level 73 or above, he/she can form party with master and look for “GuoZiJian Officer” at BianJing to redeem a Graduation Quest
B) Master and Apprentice must form a party at outskirt and use the “Graduation Whistle” to conjure “GuoZiJian Examiner”. Defeat him, but the last hit must be done by apprentice to complete this quest.
C) When the boss is defeated; the apprentice in the party needs to use “Pray” interactive skill to the master for graduation. After graduated, the apprentice will obtain “MA Appreciation Pack”, the master can redeem relevant salary from the MA Info interface.
D) After graduation, the master and apprentice relation in between has been terminated formally. The graduated apprentice cannot accept the previous master again.
Rewards of Apprentice and Master
Apprentice Reward
After become a formal apprentice, he/she can collect the relevant rewards from GuoZiJian Officer at BianJing according to character level. Level 10 can redeem “Younger Pack”; Level 45 can redeem “Good Future Pack”; Level 60 can redeem “MA Relation Pack”, and “MA Appreciation Pack” will be given when the apprentice has graduated.
1. Open the “Younger Pack” to obtain one set of newbie equipment:
2. Open the “Good Future Pack” to obtain one set of beginner sect equipment and school contribution; Open the “MA Relation Pack” to obtain one piece of Intermediate Sect Hat and school contribution.
3. Open the “Grace Pack” to obtain one set advanced equipment:
Master Reward (GuoZiJian’s Salary)
When you have established formal MA relation, master can buy the bonus for apprentice. If the apprentice has reached certain level or requirement, master can collect the “GuoZiJIan’s Salary” as return. The following are the relevant procedure:
1. Master needs to form party with apprentice and look for “GuoZiJian Officer” to buy “bonus”. (Bonus cannot be bought for temporary apprentice)
2. Every unit of bonus will need to consume 10 units of Song Ingots.
3. When the apprentice has reached certain requirement, the master can redeem the salary from the MA Info interface. Right click on the apprentice name to choose “Check Salary”. Here, master can right click on the specific requirement to redeem salary.
Apprentice Requirement Redeemable Salary (Bonus) Become Formal Apprentice 20% Reached level 30 10% Reached level 40 10% Reached level 50 10% Reached level 60 20% Reached level 70 20% Reached level 73 30% Reached 1000 Reputation 10% Reached 3000 Reputation 20% Reached 1000 School Contribution 10% Reached 3000 School Contribution 20% Reached 10000 Military Merit 10% Reached 30000 Military Merit 20% Completed Heaven Gate Quest 10% Completed FengDu Ghost Town Quest 10% Completed BianJing Main Quest 10% Completed ChengDu Main Quest 10% Completed QuanZhou Main Quest 10% Completed DaLi Main Quest 1 10% Completed DaLi Main Quest 2 10% 4. The “GuoZiJian’s Salary” can be used to purchase Meteor Tear, Calcedony and other item from GuoZiJian Officer. Meteor Tear and Calcedony are useful item s for nimbus and BaKua Equipment making.
1. When the MA relation is terminated, master can obtain the salary according to the several circumstances as below:
a. Expel:
After 15 days from the date of expel, the master can collect salary worth 80% bonus. After another 15 days, the master can collect another salary worth 80% bonus. The total salary to be redeemed is 160% of purchased bonus.
b. Betray:
After 15 days from the date of betrayed, the master can collect salary worth 100% bonus. After another 15 days, the master can collect another salary worth 100% bonus. The total salary to be redeemed is 200% of purchased bonus.
c. Graduation:
After the apprentice has completed the Graduation Quest, the master will be collect ing salary worth 100% bonus while the apprentice will obtain “MA Appreciation Pack”. After 15 days, the master can collect salary worth 100% bonus. After another 15 days, the master can collect another salary worth 100% bonus. The total salary to be redeem ed will be 300% of purchased bonus.
2. Attention
Master can only collect “unredeemed” salary by current apprentice. If the salary of specific requirement has been redeemed by previous master, the current master will not be able to redeem th is salary anymore . When the temporary Master and Apprentice relation has established, the master can right click the name of apprentice and choose “Check Salary” to check the bonus status of the apprentice.