សម្រាប់បក្សឈួយយានមានគម្ពីចំនួន៥ ដូចខាងក្រោម៖
Art គឺជាផ្នែកខ្លះៗនៃគម្ពីរដែលបានបាត់បង់ ហើយនៅពេលអ្នកស្វែងរក Art ទាំងនោះមកបញ្ជូលក្នុងគម្ពីរវិញនោះអនុភាពក្បាច់គុនរបស់តួអង្គអ្នកនឹងកើនឡើងខ្លាំងជាងធម្មតាអាស្រ័យទៅតាមភាគរយនៃការហាត់គម្ពីរ។ សម្រាប់ Art របស់បក្សឈួយយានវិញមានដូចជា៖
Name |
Art Image |
Description |
Maple Heart Dharma |
N/A |
N/A |
Dance |
Under initiate dance situation, the percentage of interrupt skill reduce X% scroll support attack increase |
Civet Charm |
Increase damage of spiritual cat appeal to monster [150]% scroll Ex.attk increase |
Dance Cloud Heart Dharma |
Under initiate dance situation [50]% scroll support defend increase, probability of return repel or knock down |
Flatter Flower |
Cold down time reduce [5] second scroll Ex.attk increase |
Broken Cloud Tactic |
Cold down time reduce [4] second scroll support defend increase |
Moon Levy |
Cause target’s Ex. Defend reduce [500]× scroll Ex.attk increase |
Nature Heart Sutra |
Sluggish immune probability of [100]%× scroll support defend increase |
Butterfly Grudge |
[20]%× scroll Ex.attk increase, probability cause enemy immobilized for 2 second |
Sky Fire Sun |
Increase team’s accuracy [10]%× scroll support attack increase |
Cloud Riding Step |
[75]%x scroll support defend increase, probability after use can increase self-moving speed [40]%x scroll support defend increase, sustain 3 second |
Dream Snack |
In the process of dream snack can increase self-Ex. Atk power [100]%x scroll Ex.attk increase, but at the same time cause yourself in immobilize situation |